Saturday, February 6, 2010

Old Beginnings, what restricts me are the circles inside!!!

First and foremost, I'm back to posting again. Been crazy last couple of months, new job, new people and a second little human being on the way which is due in a week or so.
This one is dedicated to friends who forget how to be friends. This one is for the ones I left behind, and even after I call so many times no one gives a damn about emailing back. This one is for all of you, far from sight far from heart!
Pedro, Escalopes and Kutchie, you skip this one. Here's to repetition, and old beginnings and may all of you live happily ever after. As one great band said in one of their best songs, probably the best one: "What restricts me are the circles inside".
Rock'n Roll and the rest is just white noise!!!